Re: Network Monitoring and Control (announcement)

Marc Tamsky (
Fri, 31 Mar 1995 19:28:25 -0800

>>>>> On Fri, 31 Mar 1995 05:46:28 -0500, root <> said:
} Sure it a great hacking tool, and I wouldn't mind seeing a copy, but 
} aside from the corporate/government use, I don't see where it has a 
} jusitifable use.

It has a wonderful justifiable use:

   It wakes people up to the fact that everything they do on the
   internet is completely open to this sort of tool.

Use an encrypted session protocol if you want privacy or resistance to
hijacking -- or you can wait for IPng.

     [Anyone have a URL for info on the IETF draft of IPng?]

} Am I the only one who feels this is an invasion of privacy?  


| Marc Tamsky  ---  <A href="">Click.<\A>
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